The PunkSwap Intro
PunkSwap is the leading DEX (decentralised exchange) on zkScroll. You can earn PUNK tokens by staking your crypto, NFTs or by providing liquidity. Maximize your crypto earnings with PunkSwap.
Effortlessly exchange cryptocurrency tokens with no requirement for registration or account setup.
Very Low Fees
Why spend more? Shibarium Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin, is the platform used by PunkSwap. Additionally, you can win double because trading fees are cheaper than those on other top decentralized exchanges!
Trading is possible directly from your crypto wallet app like MetaMask. In contrast to centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, PunkSwap doesn't hold onto your money while you trade; you continue to be the sole owner of your BONE and your tokens.
Earn PUNK and other tokens for free on different Chains with huge interest rates.
Earn tokens with Our PunkSwap Pools and Farms
Put your money on PunkSwap to earn more PUNK tokens. The solution is just that simple. Thanks to large projects, current PUNK holders are currently acquiring tokens worth thousands of USD for free every week. New partner projects are joining the PunkParty day by day and more and more! Celebrate with us and get rewards!
We at PunkSwap value transparency. Everything we do is designed to be as open as possible. Whether it's making strategic decisions or deploying smart contracts. We are doing everything as transparent as possible. Furthermore, our contracts are verified on the Shibarium block explorer. This way, everyone can ensure that we are using trusted code that is free of backdoors.
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